New updates to enjoy over Thanksgiving (for our US customers). We are busy working on many new updates to come for our December release.
Hourly job scheduling
Data jobs can now be scheduled to automatically run on an hourly schedule. The schedule is designed to run every X hour from the selected starting hour. In the event that a job is still running when the next run is scheduled to begin, the schedule will be skipped and an email will be sent to notify the users, added to the notifications within the job, that it was skipped. Solver recommends that hourly refreshes only be scheduled if the data load completes within a short amount of time.
Jobs can be scheduled to repeat on an interval of 1,2,3,4,6 and 12 hours.
Note that some source API’s “throttle” the data, which means the load time may be slowed down. Data extraction caps may exist as well. Please see the source provider API details for more information.
Data Warehouse system information
The Data Warehouse administration screens for Modules and Dimensions now include system name, number of rows, and table size. The system name information will assist in creating business rules. The system name is created by the Solver application and cannot be changed. All users will continue to see the label, which can be edited by administrators.
Tableau Integration
We are excited to announce support for Tableau. The external API used for our Power BI connector is now available for our customers using Tableau.
Fixes this month
- Dimension Trees: In some cases, importing a tree would not reflect the correct hierarchy.
- Data Integrations: The staging tables were previously based on the module the data was loaded into. This caused an issue if multiple integrations were loading to the same module at the same time. This issue is now resolved.
- Many other minor bug fixes.