Report Archive The archive contains all reports that you have archived from Reporting and any reports that other users have shared with you. These...
Assignments The Assignments view contains your assignments, i.e. budget forms for you to work on. Two types of assignments are displayed here: Click...
Planning Planning The Planning module allows you to design the budget model exactly as you want it, enter budget data, and save...
Workflow The Workflow feature gives you full control of the budgeting process from start to finish. Through a workflow matrix, you can manage the...
Budgeting Setup The Budgeting Setup menu enables budgeting from Solver to your ERP. Standard functionality in Solver is to only read data...
Work with assignments from Planning Assignments that are assigned to you from the Planning module, are displayed with blue thumbnails in the Assignments view. To open and edit the...
Input Flow Overview Input Flow allows users to automate the storage of multiple templates that may be defining a budget process. For...
Storing Back to Dates This article details storing/saving back dates as part of a transaction in Solver Cloud and Private Host. There are a...
Planning Security Planning Security allows you to prevent storage to specific periods and/or scenario combinations from within the Planning features found within...