Correcting Dimensions in Business Central

This article describes the process of using the dimension corrector tool for Business Central in cases where dimensions are missing.

In some cases, when using Solver’s Business Central (BC) connector, a user’s data load may result in missing dimensions that cause integrations to result in validation errors in Solver. This article will explain how users can use the Dimension Corrector tool found within their Business Central instance to solve this issue.

Identifying the Issue

The Dimension Corrector tool can be used when dimensions have been created in your BC environment but are not loaded into Solver upon integration. You can verify this by completing the following steps:

  1. Log into Business Central.
  2. Navigate to Table 349. This can be done several ways including:
    • Searching the URL: {{yourBusincessCentralURL}/companyID/?table=349
      • The first two variables of this string are provided by BC once you log in.
    • Using the search function within the BC website. To find the table:
      • Click the search icon at the top right corner of the landing page.
      • Search for Table Information and select the result.
      • From the list of tables, click the Table No. heading to sort the list in ascending order.
      • Scroll until you see 349 and select the result.
  3. A list of your dimensions will load.
  4. Analyze this page, there are two things you are looking for in the Dimension Id column.
    • There should be no {0000000….00000} entries.
    • Amongst the dimension codes that belong to the same dimension, the Dimension Id should be the same.

If either of the scenarios described above exist in your tenant you need to run the Dimension Corrector Tool.

Using Solver’s Dimension Corrector App

The following steps will require a Business Central admin and the installation of the .app file found within a .zip file at the bottom of this article. Do not unzip this file.

  1. Login to BC as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to “Extension Management” by searching for this and selecting the page from the results.
  3. Select Manage > Upload the extension.
  4. Select the unzipped file you had previously downloaded from this article.
  5. Accept the privacy disclaimer that appears.
  6. Verify that the extension has been installed from the Extension Installation Status.
    • This step may take some time, you may need to refresh (F5 key) the installation status page screen to see the latest updates.
  7. Once the installation is successful, use the search icon on the top menu bar to search for and navigate to the “Dimensions” Menu.
  8. Click on the Actions menu button and choose Correct Dimension Ids.
  9. The process should take a few seconds. Once complete you will see a notification stating that the process has been successfully corrected.

How to Confirm the Correction:

You can verify that the issue has been resolved by:

  • Returning to page 349 which was mentioned in the Identifying the Issue section above.
  • Rerunning your integration to validate that the full dimension data has come in.

You may need to delete the data that has been loaded into your tenant.

Updated on October 4, 2023

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