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  4. Private Host v5.2.60505 Release Notes (September 2023)

Private Host v5.2.60505 Release Notes (September 2023)

This article details the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes found in the latest updated version of Solver’s On-Premise Private Host product. This guide documents all relevant changes to the application since the previous version of Private Host and is not a comprehensive list of all changes made since the first version of Solver’s Private Host.

For a list of changes from earlier versions of Private Host, please reference the corresponding release notes for that version found on the Solver Support site.

Who Should Read This

This article contains both technical and product feature information for Private Host. It is recommended that all users of the Solver Private Host implementation review this article to understand the new features and changes introduced by this new version of Solver Private Host. 

Software Download

Please request a copy of the installer by submitting a ticket via support.solverglobal.com.

System Requirements, Installations, and Upgrades

This version of Private Host requires SQL 2017 for the SolverDW database. Please discuss with your IT prior to performing this upgrade.

Please reference the Solver Private Host Installation Guide before installing or upgrading to this version of Private Host. The upgrade involves database changes to the below list of Solver Databases and backups of these databases (names may be different for your implementation) must be taken prior to performing the upgrade.

  • Solver_Repository
  • SolverDW
  • Solver_Scheduler

Additionally, this release requires an upgrade to Service Fabric. Please take a snapshot of your Services server prior to performing the Service Fabric upgrade.

There is a recommended upgrade of the Report Degner application for all end users. Users will be prompted to install the latest version upon opening a report in Excel. More information can be found by accessing the Report Designer knowledge-based article.

Upgrades should be done during a planned maintenance period. The time it takes to perform the upgrade, assuming there are no issues, will be dependent on the infrastructure allocated to the above machines. Please reference our installation guide for information on installing and upgrading your Private Host install.

Solver Support and/or your partner can assist in these installation tasks. Please contact Solver (support.solverglobal.com) or your partner for more information. For more information on the set up of Private Host contact support or view our knowledge-based article, Getting Started with Private Host.

Data Warehouse

The following are highlighted, new features and enhancements in this version of Private Host.

One of the more important updates to the Data Warehouse is the Increase in number support for amount attributes. Previously the format was 28 digits with 16 to the right of the decimal. This has been changed to 29 digits with 12 to the right of the decimal and 17 to the left of the decimal in order to accommodate customers bringing in large transaction amounts. Existing amount attributes using the previous format have not been changed. New amount attributes created going forward will use the new format exclusively. This will allow the Solver application to support these numbers natively, whether coming from your ERP or during a currency conversion process as well as allow for a smoother Solver experience.

  • Save View button has been added to the dimension members screen that allows users to save the layout or filters being used when viewing their data before leaving the page.

  • The Monthly Rates page UI has been updated and has several additions including:
    • The periods are now shown as a column instead of a row for optimized viewing.
    • Currencies have been moved to the top of the chart.
    • More than 12 periods per fiscal year are now able to be viewed to accommodate all fiscal calendars.
    • A new column was added to display the calendar end dates that are matched to their assigned periods.

  • A color-coded popup notification will now appear when manually running an integration that will let the user know if it is in progress (Purple), successful (Green), or fails (Red).

TypeIDShort Description
TaskURDEV-580Added UI improvements including extra screen space to the company selection menu when setting up an ERP connection.
BugPDWM-3069Fixes an issue where the visible instructions when logging into Acumatica instructed users to use their Acumatica URL instead of their password.
StoryPDWM-3064The ability to use automapping when building integrations is now available. This will only work if the source field names that are an exact match to Solver Data Warehouse field names.
StoryPDWM-3265Added the ability for users to close and save a custom expression within the expression builder tool without attempting to validate it.
EpicPDWM-2911Increased the number support for amount attributes, the new format is 29 digits with 12 to the right of the decimal and 17 to the left of the decimal. We have seen a large number of customers bringing in large transaction amounts and this change will allow the Solver application to support these numbers natively, whether coming from your ERP or during a currency conversion process. Existing amount attributes using the format 28 digits with 16 to the right of the decimal have not been changed. New amount attributes created going forward will use the new format exclusively.
StoryPDWM-2961Improved translations of French and Danish in the Data Warehouse.
StoryPDWM-3014Improved the layout of the Dimension Members page and added the ability to adjust column order, column widths, and column filters. Additionally, a Save View button has been added to the dimension members screen that allows users to save the layout or filters being used when viewing their data before leaving the page.
StoryPDWM-3083A color-coded popup notification will now appear when manually running an integration that will let the user know if it is in progress (Yellow), successful (Green), or fails (Red).
StoryPDWM-3120Added new filters to the Monthly Rates table that allows users to view their data by period.
StoryPDWM-3121User experience updates to the Jobs page in the Data Warehouse.
StoryPDWM-3144User Interface updates to the Data Warehouse including new indicators to show which tab is currently selected.
StoryPDWM-3178User interface updates to the Data Warehouse including more space on the integrations, rules, and jobs pages.
Added new formatting to the job creation screen to allow for longer integration name labels.
StoryPDWM-3208Added user experience and design improvements to the Currency page.
TaskPDWM-2956Added a notification to alert users to an invalid rate type naming convention due to exceeding 15 digits.
TaskPDWM-3074Added the ability for the Task mapping validation tool to verify that target fields exist as a source.
TaskPDWM-3118Added the ability to select multiple currencies when filtering the monthly rates page.
TaskPDWM-3125Removed the ability to sort the column by selecting the currency header in the monthly rates table due to UI changes in the table.
BugPDWM-2125The sort order of Currency codes on the monthly rates page is now sorted alphabetically.
BugPDWM-3015Adds character limits to Module names.
BugPDWM-3017Module System fields and custom field labels now have a character limit of 128.
BugPDWM-3020Dimension names now have a character limit of 128.
BugPDWM-3027Module Tree names now have a 50-character limit. Module Tree Descriptions now have a character limit of 200.
BugPDWM-3030The edit button is no longer hidden by long Target Names.
BugPDWM-3031Fixes an issue where entering over 103 characters when creating a field level would cause an error.
BugPDWM-3034Character limits are now displayed for fields and labels around the Data Warehouse.
BugPDWM-3042Jobs with a schedule can now be edited.
BugPDWM-3137Fixes an issue where Dimension Filters would stop working when displaying over 50k rows.
BugPDWM-3093Fixes an issue where some Tree text fields were being disabled when the entered text did not match the autocompleted text.
Fixes an issue that allowed users to paste text and overwrite the Code field on the Dimension Members page.
BugPDWM-3147Fixes an issue where the monthly rates screen was only able to accept 6 decimal points (Now accepts up to 16).
BugPDWM-3180Fixes an issue where rearranging the order of the steps within a job would not retain the proper order as selected by the user.
EpicPDWM-1992Removed the ability for users to type labels that go beyond the character limit across the DW.
BugPDWM 2966
Fixes an authentication issue that can occur with D365 Business Central integrations that are copied and use Azure Active Directory.
BugPDWM-3073The Monthly Rates page UI has been updated and has several additions including:
The periods are now shown as a column instead of a row for optimized viewing.
Currencies have been moved to the top of the chart.
More than 12 periods per fiscal year are now able to be viewed to accommodate all fiscal calendars.
A new column was added to display the calendar end dates that are matched to their assigned periods.
BugPDWM- 3025Fixes an issue where the character count of names of integrations and tasks were not being validated.
BugPDWM- 3032Fixes an issue where tree names were able to be saved as blank.
BugPDWM- 3046Fixes an issue with integration mapping where previewing would fail if there is an invalid expression being mapped.
BugPDWM- 3081Fixes an issue where users were not receiving an error message when filtering the module schema configuration screen to deselect a module with necessary data.
BugPDWM- 3152Fixes an issue where pasted values in the currency table were not saving to the database.
BugPDWM- 3196
Added an updated error message to be displayed when clicking on the preview target link when there is an error in the expression on the mapping screen.
BugPDWM- 3202Fixes an issue where users were unable to delete multiple values at the same time even when selecting multiple fields on the Dimension Members page.
StoryPDWM- 3129Added extra space to DW tables to enhance the viewing experience.
TaskPDWM- 3040Fixes an issue where Task Name was lost when users were configuring an integration.
BugPDWM-3200Fixes an issue where some custom notification email address settings would not be used for Data Warehouse notifications.


The following are highlighted, new features and enhancements in this version of Private Host.

  • Added the ability to switch from a card view to a list view when displaying Assignments using the icons at the top of the page.
    • New status icons have been introduced to the Assignment page: the clock icon, which indicates that an assignment is under review, and the bell icon, which indicates that an assignment is ready to be worked on.

  • Added an option to cancel the loading process of opening the prior execution of a budget template in Assignments and Input Templates. This can be very useful in cases where your prior execution takes time to open.

Added multiple enhancements to Workflow including:

  • Under the Workflow’s Status view, Workflow will now display a filtered user’s assignment even if it is under review or awaiting approval.
  • Workflow will now use tabs to separate workflows based on their current state (Published, Draft, or Completed) and display a progress bar.
Workflow state tabs and progress bar
  • Workflow start and end dates will now support the selection of the time and time zone by the user.
Workflow Time and Time Zone fields
  • Workflow will now display the total number of in-progress assignments and completed assignments directly in the list view.
  • If a user is not the owner of the workflow, there will not be a Republish button under the view menu.
  • Users will no longer be able to click the Run or Save Data buttons while a report is running in Assignments.

TypeIDShort Description
TaskURDEV-639Added the ability for users to view their assignments as a list with details about the assignment.
TaskURDEV-635Renamed the status description of workflows from New to Not Started, To Review to Awaiting Review, and To Approve to Awaiting Approval.
TaskURDEV-645Fixes an issue with transferring ownership of Workflows affecting the ownership of the user assignments within that Workflow.
TaskURDEV-618Fixes an issue that users were encountering while attempting to publish a workflow that previously had an error, the publish button would not be available.
TaskURDEV-601Workflow configuration was added to allow Reviewers and Approvers to save data. The workflow creator can choose whether or not to allow the Reviewers and Approvers to save data.
TaskURDEV-566Fixes an issue where users were still able to edit reports assigned to them after the reviewer had already completed the workflow.
TaskURDEV-552Added the ability for multiple users to save data in an input flow while another save is in progress.
TaskURDEV-551Workflow start and end dates will now support the selection of the time and time zone by the user.
TaskURDEV-546Improved handling of large iteration counts in Input Flows.
StoryURDEV-636Assignments can now show a rejected status if the approver on the assignment has rejected the submission. Once the assigned user reopens the assignment, the assignment’s status is then changed to in progress.
StoryURDEV-388Added the ability for users to group budget parameters based on the templates selected for the Input Flow.
StoryURDEV-376Added a pop-up notification when deleting a budget template to let users know if further steps are needed to remove the template from the Input Flow or Workflow.
BugURDEV-642Added a due date to the list view of assignments due in the future.
BugURDEV-647Fixes an issue with the “Only start new flow execution if data is stored in the first template” flag preventing other extra flows to be triggered that shouldn’t have been.
BugURDEV-637Fixes an issue where users were able to publish to Workflows that they do not own.
BugURDEV-612Fixes an issue where the Select All button would select all items in a user’s archive list regardless of any filters used or search results being displayed.
TaskURDEV-557Added an option to cancel the loading process of opening the prior execution of a budget template in Assignments and Input Templates. This can be very useful in cases where your prior execution takes time to open.
BugURDEV-673Fixes an issue where Assignments were unable to be opened in card view.


The following are highlighted, new features and enhancements in this version of Private Host.

TypeIDShort Description
BugURDEV-685Fixes an issue where the login screen would not properly load for Chrome users due to updating Chrome to version 108. 
StoryPDWM-3050The text on the left-hand side panel navigation now matches the user’s selected language.
StoryPDWM-3051The text on the breadcrumbs navigation now matches the user’s selected language.
Added improved and more detailed error messages.
BugURDEV-649Added the option for users to run in Report Designer from the report template viewer before the report is ran.
BugURDEV-599Role names are now sorted alphabetically everywhere.
BugURDEV-159Fixes an issue in the portal where filters were not populating as they were in Excel. Filters will now function as expected on Reporting and Input templates. Note: for input templates, users may need to disable the protect non-input cells setting in Report Designer.
StoryPDWM- 2985Breadcrumbs have been added to allow for easy navigation back to previous pages.
TaskPDWM- 2939Fixes an issue where duplicate dates would display on a calendar.
BugURDEV-614Fixes an issue where the report parameters would not wrap to the next line when using many parameters, and the Run button was difficult to see due to shrinking.


The following are highlighted, new features and enhancements in this version of Private Host.

TypeIDShort Description
TaskURDEV-638Added more clarity to licensing details.
TaskURDEV-568Added the ability for admin users to update license keys in situations where the automated license update does not work.
TaskURDEV-340Infrastructure enhancements.
StoryURDEV-634Improved translations of error messages across the application for validation error notifications.
StoryPDWM-2975Added more detailed license information for data warehouse licenses.
BugURDEV-701Fixes an issue where attempting to rename a tenant would produce a long URL that would lead to an error message.  Reminder: In order to make customer name changes, please contact sales.
BugPDWM- 2765
Fixes an issue where the email notification would display a blank instead of the tenant name.


The following are highlighted, new features and enhancements in this version of Private Host.

  • Added the ability for the application to generate thumbnails to preview reports with graphs and charts.

List View
Cared View
  • Added functionality to Report and Input Templates to display the name of the user who last modified the template. This can be found as a column in the list view and on the back of the card in the card view. Existing templates will not be affected by this change until they are modified.
TypeIDShort Description
TaskURDEV-737Added improved error messages to identify incorrect formulas within cells in Report Designer.
TaskURDEV-736Fixes an issue where leaving the name of a Sheet Per Value sheet blank would crash Report Designer.
TaskURDEV-610Added the ability to cancel drill down or drill to requests via a new cancel button.
TaskURDEV-609Fixes an issue that caused using the drill-to/down tool with 0 rows in Report Designer to result in an infinite spinner.
StoryURDEV-679Added functionality to Report and Input Templates to display the name of the user who last modified the template. This can be found as a column in the list view and on the back of the card in the card view. Existing templates will not be affected by this change until they are modified.
StoryURDEV-671Added improved performance to report rendering services under certain circumstances.
BugURDEV-585Fixes Report Template exports that unintentionally include hidden sheets. Existing reports will need to be run to trigger the change.
BugURDEV-404Fixes an issue where large reporting groupings (~60k) can result in incorrect data results.
BugURDEV-651Fixes issues where users are unable to store data if a tab’s name is longer than 31 characters. Now up to 50 characters are supported. (Report Designer update required)
BugURDEV-615Fixes an issue in Report Templates where if the user clicks on the menu button twice the page automatically changes to a list view.
BugURDEV-249Fixes an issue where pasting a percentage into a template would result in an error when trying to save the edited template.
BugURDEV-126Fixes an issue in Excel where the center across selection formatting tool was not properly aligning headings to the center of the column.
BugURDEV-125Fixes issues where users are unable to store data if a tab’s name is longer than 31 characters. Now up to 50 characters are supported. (Report Designer update required)
BugURDEV-650Added the ability for Publisher recipients to receive a PDF file instead of an Excel file. Users may only choose one option (Excel or PDF) per Publisher subscription.

Users cannot configure their Publisher subscription to export to one filter type for one recipient and another file type to another recipient of the same Publisher subscription.

Technical Details

The below table details specific version numbers found in this version of Private Host. Should you see a mismatch in version numbers, you may need to reinstall that component of Solver Private Host. 

FeaturePrior Version #UpdatedCurrent Version #
Report Designer5.2.40917Yes (optional)5.2.40312
Service Fabric – SolverFabricConnection1.0.41Yes0.0.34
Service Fabric – SolverFabric.SignalR1.0.46Yes1.0.47
Service Fabric – SolverFabric.Scheduler1.0.85Yes1.0.87
Service Fabric – SolverFabric.Rule1.0.39Yes1.0.41
Service Fabric – SolverFabric.Notification1.0.25Yes0.0.50
Service Fabric – SolverFabric.JobLogger1.0.37Yes1.0.39
Service Fabric – SolverFabric.JobDispatcher1.0.92Yes1.0.94
Service Fabric – SolverFabric.Integration1.0.109Yes1.0.113

Stay tuned for more Solver updates in the future. For any issues, contact Solver Support at: support.solverglobal.com

Updated on March 20, 2024

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