QuickStart Personnel

The goal of QuickStart Personnel is to standardize and simplify the creation of the Personnel module.  An Excel file import will be used for the data, and QuickStart will build the module, create the initial structure, add needed dimensions, and import the initial data from a file. 


In order to implement this integration, users must first:

  • Install the General Ledger module for their personnel data to their tenant.
  • Download the Personnel Import Report Template from the Template Marketplace found in Solver.

Personnel Import Template

To find the template:

  • Login to Solver.
  • On the main menu toolbar, select Marketplace.
  • Using the filters on the left side of the Marketplace screen, locate the Personnel template.
  • Click Add to Install on the card and Install Templates when the cart menu opens.


Download the Excel file that contains the template at the bottom of this page.

Working with the Template

The template provided is intended to be imported into the customer tenant.  The template should be published and completed offline. The template contains dimension tabs and a single tab for the fact set.  You must retain the name and structure of all tabs for the initial use during QuickStart. You must also retain the exact name of the file. 

File Name:  Personnel Import.xlsx


Tab NameFunctionAction expected
_PersonnelFact setCustomer to Complete
Tax_BenefitsDimensionRetain only items required by customer
EmployeeDimensionCustomer to Complete
EntityDimensionNo action – only for validation
AccountDimensionNo action – only for validation
DepartmentDimensionNo action – only for validation
CurrencyDimensionNo action – only for validation
CategoryDimensionNo action – only for validation
ScenarioDimensionNo action – only for validation
Source FormDimensionNo action – Module needs this

Completing the Template

Once you have published the template, you are now ready to save it locally and complete it. You will find several tabs at the bottom of this template that separate the relevant sheets in Excel.  The blue tabs will need no action from the user.  The blue tabs are only there to provide validation checks on the _Personnel tab, which will become the fact set.

The tabs to be completed by the customer are:

  • Employee tab
  • Tax_Benefits tab
  • _Personnel

Required Template Customization

“Employee” Tab

This tab will be used to create and populate your employee dimension.  You may choose to populate this by employee or by role.  In either case, you must leave all 4 columns in the file. Do not rename them and do not move them.

You must give each employee (or role) a code and a description.  You may choose to populate the title and hire date or you may choose to leave it blank.

Employee Tab Sample with Employee Detail:

Employee Tab Sample with Role detail:

“Tax_Benefits” Tab

This tab will be used to create and populate the dimension that will be used in the input (budget) forms to apply the tax and/or benefits associated with employees.  This tab comes prepopulated with the suggested options. 

Modify this tab by deleting any lines you do not wish to have included in the personnel module.  For example, if you want to budget overtime, bonus, and commission, you will only retain the first 3 lines of the table.  If you want to track pension, benefit, and benefit in kind, you will only retain the last 3 lines of the table.

Once you have deleted any extra items you do not want, you will now want to update the GL expense account to match the GL expense accounts belonging to your customer. 

Lastly, update the assumption and benefits eligibility columns.  In this file, 0 = No and 1 = Yes.

You will have the opportunity to update this information in the dimension later if you need to make a change.

_Personnel Tab

This tab will be used to create the fact set in the personnel module.  Columns A through H are required.  Columns I through J can be populated based on the customer’s need.  There are notes and or validations in row 2.  To ensure data integrity, it is advised that you copy the validation or apply your own validation to the data to avoid any failures during integration.

Running QuickStart for Personnel

The QuickStart Personnel is located in the Connector Marketplace and is titled File Import (Personnel).

To access this connector:

  • Go to the Data Warehouse and select the Integrations menu.
  • Click Add New to open the Connector Marketplace. Do not click Import.
  • Select the Personnel connector and click Create QuickStart.

  • After selecting the QuickStart connector option, the wizard will begin.  The first screen informs the user of key information pertinent to the Personnel module.  The user will be required to acknowledge the information by checking the radio button next to each item.
  • After selecting continue, you will be asked to upload the Excel file containing the template you completed in the first portion of this document.  You must ensure that the file has the EXACT name of the template. The file name must be Personnel Import.xlsx. The green bar at the bottom of the screen indicates the file was accepted. If your bar is red, the name of your file is incorrect or there may be another issue with your file. Please contact Solver Support for more information.
  • The last step of the QuickStart wizard is the creation of the job. QuickStart will create a non-recurring, one-time-only job.  Once this job has been run, your personnel data will be contained in the Data Warehouse.

Troubleshooting and Customization

Since QuickStart Personnel is a file import, after the initial integration has been completed, the user may make any additions needed to the module and to the file.  The intent of QuickStart is to streamline and simplify the module setup as well as provide base templates and input forms.

Updated on January 28, 2025

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